Club members and guests enjoyed a social evening on 18th October at the Long King Chinese restaurant, Whitby
On 27th October 2023 Club Members welcomed District Governor David Phillips, his wife Joan, and Assistant Governor Richard Orr to the meeting. After an excellent fish and chip supper at Esk Fisheries, David gave a presentation to the Club.
David gave a wide ranging talk regarding Rotary activities, locally, nationally and internationally.
In thanking David and Richard for coming to meet the Club, President Niall Carson expressed the hope wider support for Global Sight Solutions in the District could be arranged.
Club Meal at Pizza West, Whitby after Crazy Golf Challenge
Event raised £100 as a donation to Global Sight Solutions, a Rotary worldwide charity which undertakes cataract operations.
Many thanks to Crazy Golf, Whitby, and Pizza West for support,
Crazy Golf Challenge for members and guests at Whitby
Welcome back to Club members and guests our following summer break.
Meal at Sneaton Castle
Thank you to all who supported us this winter.
The Club is very pleased to announce that at the Whitby Christmas Festival on 18th - 20th November 2022 the Street Collection with Santa's Sleigh raised £592.38. This is a fantastic result, and we thank you for your generous support.
The Sleigh will be returning to Hinderwell and Staithes on 7th December from 5.00 pm.
The Club is very pleased to announce:
The results of Street Collections with Santa's Sleigh in December 2021.
Hinderwell and Staithes £46.50
Sleights £58.99
Whitby West Side £71.95
Whitby East Side £97.95
Grand Total £274.93
Thanks to everyone for their fantastic support this year.
All proceeds will be used for Charities supported by Rotary.
Santa will be back next December!
SANTA is coming!!!
The Club is pleased to announce that Santa and his friendly elves will be coming again with his sleigh this year.
He can be seen at the Whitby Christmas Fair at Dock End Whitby on 26th, 27th and 28th November 2021. Please come along and say hello.
The Sleigh will then be going to Whitby and local villages:
Wednesday, 8th December - Hinderwell and Staithes
Thursday, 9th December - Sleights
Wednesday, 15th December - Whitby West Side
Thursday, 16th December - Whitby East Side
The Club was pleased to be able to donate chocolates and sweets to the Trinity Centre for inclusion with their hot meals service to elderly and isolate people in and around Whitby this Christmas 2020.
The Club has supported the Whitby Food Bank this Christmas. Club Secretary Malcolm Watt donated chocolate selection boxes from the Club to the Food Bank for inclusion in the 2020 Christmas parcels for needy families this year.
The Club has been pleased to take Santa and his Elves around Whitby, Hinderwell, Staithes and Sleights this year in a socially distanced sleigh. Lots of children and their parents were delighted to see Santa was still about in this difficult year.
Club President Les Overton presented the Whitby Food Bank with 100 Covid secure masks as part of the Rotary District Covid support programme.
Invitations have been sent to local primary schools to enter the Clubs' Young Engineers Design and Build Competition. Expressions of interest are requested by 6th March 2020. The competition will conclude on 11th June 2020 at Danby Village Hall (to be confirmed).
On 19th March 2020 the Club, together with fellow Rotarians from the Whitby and District Club will be hosting the Schools Technology Tournament at the Whitby Spa Pavilion. Students from senior schools in the area will be completing a practical project based on their research and ideas.
Santa Claus is coming to town! The Whitby Endeavour Rotary Club Elves will be bringing Santa in his sleigh to East Side Whitby, Sleights, Hinderwell and Staithes on 10th, 11th and 12th December.
On 20th November Whitby Endeavour Club member Anne Dennier gave a fascinating talk on the history of Larpool Hall and Garden. This was particularly of interest to the Club because members are involved in a long term community project to restore the gardens as far as possible.
Whitby Endeavour Rotary Club Elves brought Santa on their sleigh to the Whitby Christmas Parade and festival on 15th, 16th and 17th November - a jolly good time was had by all!
On 9th October Whitby Endeavour Rotary Club members received a presentation from Debbie Swales of Revival North Yorkshire. She explained about the Memory Lunches held monthly at the Salmon Leap Hotel. These give local people the opportunity to reminisce and share experiences. More details can be found at
Whitby Endeavour Rotary Club President John Dickinson presented Yorkshire Wetwheels Chairman Peter Richardson with a cheque for £250. The Club is pleased to support this local charity which provides exciting water borne experiences for local people with disabilities and their families and friends.
Whitby Endeavour Rotary Club is pleased to support Zoë's Place - a local charity providing a hospice for terminally ill babies.
Whitby Endeavour Rotary Club Charter Night was on 26th June 2019 at the Stables, Whitby. It was attended by members, honorary members, and guests. Outgoing President Chris Overton was heartily thanked for her leadership over the past two years. John Dickinson is the new President, taking over on 1st July.
On 20th June the Design and Build entries by nine local junior schools were put through their paces, under the watchful eyes of officers from RAF Fylingdales and STEM representatives. All the entries to design and build "space capsule launcher" from a kit of parts were of a high standard. The whole competition has been a great success, inspiring some young people to discover the exciting world of engineering.
Instructions and kits of parts for the Design and Build competion have been delivered to the 10 local primary schools who are taking part. We are looking forward to receiving their portfolios before the competition day on 20th June.
On 15th May the Club received a presentation regarding Dementia Friends. This was a thought provoking session which dispelled many of the myths around dementia. It was also shown how careful support could improve the quality of life of those with dementia and their carers. A number of club members agreed to become Dementia Friends.
On 1st May Club members received a presentation on Wetwheels Yorkshire from Peter Richardson. The charity, of which Peter is the Chairman, has a specially designed power boat based at Whitby. This provides fantastic water based experiences for disabled people and their families. The case studies described by Peter were both inspiring and very moving. To have this facility in Whitby is very exciting. Further information can be found at
On 14th April Club members provided a lunch stop at Staithes Village Hall for walkers undertaking the "Seagulls 50 miles in 2 days on foot" sponsored walk on behalf of the Brains Trust. This year the five walkers have raised over £5000 for the Brains Trust. The lunch stop was much appreciated!
The Brains Trust provides support and advice for people with brain tumours. For more information see
Club members will be packing kits for the School Technology Tournament at their meeting on 13th March. The Tournament, held jointly with the Whitby and District Rotary Club, is to be held on 21st March at the Whitby Spa. Teams from local secondary schools will be faced with a design and build challenge.
At the March 6th Club meeting Rotarian Malcolm Watt gave a talk entitled "Scouting for Trees". These are two of the trees he described:
In 2018 the Club helped Salvation Army Kids Club members plant crocus bulbs at East Side, Whitby. They have now flowered and look lovely in the sunshine, and are helping to eradicate polio world wide through Rotary's ongoing campaign.

Crocus planted by the Salvation Army Kids Club
Club members are planting fruit trees at the Community Garden at Larpool Hall, Whitby as part of the Club's long term project to renovate the former walled garden.

Rotarian Sue Morton gave club Members an interesting and thought provoking talk regarding the German occupation of the Channel Islands between 1940 and 1945. The Islanders suffered considerable hardship due to both repression of their freedoms and starvation. Club members were asked what they would do in similar circumstances - resist (and risk severe punishment or death) or comply?
Ed Horwood of the North Yorkshire County Council Youth Service came to the Club in February to give a most interesting presentation on the Pop-up Workshop Project for young people which he is running. The Club will be pleased to assist in any way possible in forthcoming months.

Addressing the Haggis at the Club's Burns Night Supper for members and guests.
Whitby Endeavour Rotarian Dag Kjelldahl received a Commendation from the North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service for his actions when his neighbours house caught fire. Congratulations!
The Club has donated £100 from the kind donations to Santa and his sleigh to the Kidz Club, Eastside, Whitby
The Club has also continued to support the Empty Chair Bereavement Service of Whitby from the same source.
Thank you for all your support,
Whitby Endeavor Rotary brought Santa and his elves to Whitby, Hinderwell and Staithes.
Lots of local children had a chance to speak to Santa and promise to be good!
Thank you for all your support.

Thank you for your support for the Whitby Endeavour Rotary Quiz held at the Whitby Conservative Club on 5th December. All proceeds will be used to support the Brains Trust and other Rotary projects and charities.

Come along and enjoy a 'Night at the Theatre'. Contact sec for details
Sent on Behalf of President Chris
Thanks to all who stood and packed bags today.
The total raised is £375.
And those who helped at the Beer Festival the Lions were most grateful.
The annual Whitby Endeavour Rotary Club young engineers' competition has taken place with the support of a grant from the Sirius Minerals Foundation.
36 primary school students, aged 10 and 11, from seven schools in the Whitby area took part in the project, which involved designing and building a miniature working lighthouse.
The teams, from St Hilda's, St Hedda's, Airy Hill, Castleton, Seton, Ruswarp and Glaisdale schools, spent several weeks each constructing a lighthouse in preparation for showcasing during a testing day at the Robinson Institute in Glaisdale.
The entries were judged by volunteers from the H.M Coastguard in Staithes, who gave a presentation about water safety, and prizes for the winners and runners up were awarded by a representative from Sirius Minerals.
The 'sea-themed' event marked the 250th anniversary of Captain Cook's first expedition to the South Seas from Whitby.
Chris Overton, President of the Whitby Endeavour Rotary Club and a former school teacher in the area said:
"The lighthouse testing day was fantastic event and a wonderful opportunity for schools to get together.
Because of the smaller size of some of the primary schools, teaching STEM subjects can be quite a challenge, so we were delighted with the high standard of entrants which really showcased the fantastic skills of young people in the area.
Choosing a winner was not easy, but Seton Community Primary School in Staithes took the prize.
We would like to thank the Sirius Minerals Foundation for the grant, which enabled us to purchase the building materials, build kits, and trophies for the students to take part."
The Sirius Minerals Foundation is an independent charity which has been set up to support a wide range of projects that benefit the local community.
The Whitby Endeavour Rotary Club was one of seventy-five local charities, educational establishments and community groups which shared a pot of around £300,000 as part of the Foundation's first round of funding.
Future rounds, funded by an annual royalty of 0.5% of sales from the mine, could be as much as £13 million at full production
David Archer, Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Sirius Minerals Foundation said:
"We are delighted that the grant has been used to help enrich the science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) curriculum in local schools and we hope the competition has helped to inspire the next generation of engineers."
Members of Endeavour Club spent a very enjoyable evening last week at a Quiz Night in aid of The Brains Trust and other local charities. The Brains Trust raises vital funds for brain tumour research.
Many teams took part and a good supper was provided by members.
A very good event.
Looking forward to another Quiz Night in 2018.
Santa is coming to Town.
The Endeavour Sleigh rides again.
Our Santa Sleigh led to Whitby Town Parade on Friday 17th for the Town Christmas Fare.
Members of Endeavour collected all week end with the Sleigh supporting local Charities.
Other outings for the Sleigh this year are:
Friday 1st December the Sleigh is visiting Hinderwell and Staithes.
Wednesday 6th Whitby east Side and the East Side community centre family club.
Saturday 9th Station car park, Saturday Sunday 16th 17th Whitby dock end .
Young Carers Film.
The young carers film is finally finished after a year's work with the Bradford University Film and T.V. professionals.
The Young Carers had a very exciting day at the T.V. studios and the final outcome had it's 'red carpet' launch at the Stephen Joseph Theatre in Scarborough last week.
The film explains the daily lives of young carers and is soon to be launched on 'the web' and then used by the 'We Care' organisation to promote understanding of the hectic lives of Young Carers.

Club president and Endeavour members attended the Remembrance Day service and laying the Club wreath at the Town memorial.
are organizing a collection of warm clothing for all ages and sizes at Burniston Methodist church. They can receive the clothing, new or good quality secondhand from 9.30a.m. It should be clearly labelled ( e.g. 4 womens medium size jumpers, skirts etc.)
These will be collected at 1p.m. They will then become part of a larger load going to Thessaloniki, Greece. Here they will be distributed to the refugees who are living in tents and warehouses with little or no facilities in sub-zero temperatures.
Ideally it would help if people shared car space to take the items to Burniston.
However, Endeavour Rotary Club Whitby have volunteered to pick up and transport items to Burniston from the Coliseum.
Anyone wanting to help with the sorting or to give continuing support go to
Scarborough Friends of Refugees on Facebook.
Thanks to the people of Whitby and the many visitors who helped with all our efforts. Overall we raised £1,153 for charities supported by Rotary.
The sleigh was a great success and many adults as well as children climbed aboard and had photos taken with Santa. We saw many happy and smiling faces on young and old, especially on the night we toured Whitby's East Side and so many children came racing out of their houses.

What an exciting time of year for all of us! We have recovered the costs of building the sleigh and are now raising cash for charities supported by Rotary.
The families on the East side of Whitby really appreciated seeing Santa and his sleigh touring their streets and we collected £105.49.
Thanks to all. Our display outside the Co-op (with thanks to Northern Rail for the use of their car park) raised £523.60. Families and all those out shopping were full of smiles!!
Christmas is a busy time of year for everyone, but this year our members have been especially busy. Sleights has echoed to the sound of woodworking, painting, electrics and installing a sound system into SANTA'S NEW SLEIGH.
The sleigh's first outing is on Friday November 18th at the Whitby Christmas Festival. Members will be acting as stewards for the procession thro' town from Pannet Park to the Marina Car Park where Santa, his sleigh and an illuminated reindeer will be waiting to entertain the children.
We will be there all day Saturday and 10.00 til 4.00 on Sunday.
Further outings over the Christmas season will be held on the dockside, railway station and a tour around the streets of East Whitby on Wednesday December 7th.
All proceeds to charities supported by Rotary
Design and Build
A fun competition for all local Primary schools.
All local schools have been invited and those taking part will be sent their kit of parts and an explanatory pack in early May.
Schools are studying the Olympics, Ancient Greece and electricity this term and the task is to include elements of each aspect.
Motors, batteries, LED's, wheels and pulleys are all supplied.
Each year pupils come up with the most imaginative ideas and we are sure this year will be no exception.
After work in schools the 'Grand Final' will be held at Sneaton Castle on Thursday June 23rd.
Technology Tournament
A very successful day.
The feed back sheets from pupils were very helpful.
All pupil sheets rated enjoyment, fun, organisation 9/10.
Staff likewise thought pupils gained a considerable amount of knowledge and worked together in teams very well.
As a follow-up Rotary is organising a follow up visit to the Electricity turbine in the River Esk at Ruswarp for all pupils who took part in the event.
Charity Bag Pack
at Sainsbury's.
thanks to all who worked so hard on the day.
Over £300 was raised for Rotary Causes.
Do you have CRAFT SKILLS?
Come and join us at this community event held in
to provide a lively CRAFT DAY for local youngsters
Saturday December 12th
Contact sec (details on Contact Us page) for details
Please respond by Wed 10th June. Sec LES Overton. Tel 01947 811107
a festival of world music held at the Spa, Whitby
will be the scene of an Endeavour display
about Sand Dams and the benefits they bring to the 3rd world.
Join us and enjoy a few hours of fascinating music and company from around the world.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11th, 12th and 13th October.
Contact the sec, Les Overton Tel 01947 811107
Endeavour is working with Jewsons,
the building merchants to raise awareness of the dangers of High Blood Pressure.
On Tuesday 7th October we are manning a stand in Jewsons, Whitby, with the help of a qualified nurse inviting customers to check their B.P.
Charter Night
The club celebrated the 250th Anniversary of the
with an unusual night where guests were invited to the Captain Cook Museum in Whitby for a private tour of the museum followed by a buffet supper.
Enquiries to Les Overton, Sec 01947 811107
Design and Build Competition.
Sneaton Castle 1.30
Thursday 19th June.
A competition for local Primary Schools.
12 local schools have been issued with a challenge!
Given a kit of bits and pieces they have to design and build a launcher.
The theme of this year's competition is a space capsule launcher.
The winning team will have launched their capsule (an 'air' type golf ball) highest, and produced a portfolio of their work.
A thoroughly enjoyable afternoon for pupils, teachers and Rotarians!
Endeavour Club welcomes Rotarians and supporters from Beverley Club at the end of their cycle ride in aid of Emergency Boxes for victims of East Coast Floods.
Sneaton Castle approx. 3.30p.m.
Sunday June 8th.
Bag Pack.
Coop Whitby.
One of our main fund raising events.
Saturday July 19th.
From 9.00a.m. til 6.00p.m. approx.
At our AGM which marked the end of President Elsie Smith's year in office, we listed the Club's activites for the year. As always, much of our work supports the local community . Below is just a selsction of the work which Enbdeavours members have been involved in.
Bag Pack for Rotary Charities at Whitby Co-op
Barbecue for resident of Fairways Court
Painting the furniture store room for 'Network'
Help for the lady whose home collapsed because of flood water on Aelfleda Terrace
Esk Valley Olympics: support and provision of T shirst for all the contestants
Wheelchairs for those in need (via Rotary Foundation)
Sister Abba's Eye Clinic in Africa: collection of pairs of spectacles
Salvation Army: Christmas gifts/hamoers for families in need
Involvement in the Youth Speaks competition, Whitby
British Legion: Poppy Appeal and wreath
Supporting Dalewood House, cafe and garden centre
'The Empty Chair' Pat Charlesworth's bereavement counselling organisation
'Mary's Meals': £600.00 collected and sent
Our annual Christmas tree at St Mary's church
Rotary Schools Technology Tournament (with Whitby and District Club)
Music Port international Festival: collecting for Shelter Boxes
Great North Air Ambulance: Fund raising
Endeavour Rotary Club display in Whitby Gazette's window
Heather Hopper bus Service in the Esk Valley
Design and Build Competition for Whitby Primary Schools - a first and successful competition SEE BELOW!
Whitby Honours 'Major Pat'
Pat Charlesworth is a member of Whitby Endeavour Rotary Club and a holder of Rotary's Paul Harris Fellowship, She and Harry Collet of Whitby and District Rotary Club were recently granted Honorary Citizenship of Whitby by the Town Mayor at a ceremony in Whitby's Coliseum. Pat spent 37 years as an officer of the Salvation Army, working in some of the most deprived areas of England, and in Northern Ireland at the height of the bombing campaign.
In 1992 Pat and a colleague set up an intensive support centre in Whitby which works with disadvataged families and childre, providing support, lunch clubs, hobby classes and children's clubs as well as a partuy on Christmas day. Although 'retired' and suffering bouts of ill health, Pat continues to serve the community in mnay ways including running the bereavement counselling group known as 'The Empty Chair' which has helped thousands of people through this most distreesing time. Because of her selfless work in the community, which embodies all Rotary stands for, she is much loved and values by countless numbers of the those she has helped.
Hands On Rotary!!
On Friday 31st May a large group of Endeavour members met to paint and renovate a warehouse that is being made available as a furniture store for Whitby Network charity. Rollers, paint, dustsheets and overalls to the ready for a day's hard work. Laughter and chat freely available from club members!!!
This year we have promoted a new DESIGN AND BUILD competition for local primary schools.
We have been involved, jointly with Whitby and District, with 1040's Technology Tournament for several years and regard it as a very worthwhile youth project, and certainly one that the young people enjoy.
All local primary schools werecontacted. The task involved building a structure from paper, card, balsa and everyday materials to bridge a gap between tables.
The best entry from each school was brought to Sneaton Castle for a GRAND FINAL on Thursday 20th June. Seven Schools were involved and all the pupils and teachers throroughly enjoyed their day.
New Generations project in the Whitby area.
Primary and Secondary Schools have been circulated with details and enquries are positive so far. The theme of 'PEACE' can be interpreted in many ways: from 'a state that exists in the absence of war' to 'making Mum smile'. We look forward to some interesting entries!
Esk Valley Schools get the Olympic Spirit!
Several small village schools in Whitby's Esk Valley cooperate in a cluster group to enhance the overall education of the primary children within their schools.
On Thursday July 5th 2012, the schools held a celebration of all things Olympic at the North York Moors National Park Centre, Danby.
Endeavour Rotary club was involved from the beginning as part of our Youth Work. The youngsters from all 7 schools were mixed into teams representing twelve competing nations. To enhance the day and provide publicity for Rotary, Endeavour paid for over 250 tee shirts in 12 colours.
The weather was kind, in the middle of a very wet season. Parents, Rotarians, teachers, other staff and children enjoyed a fabulous day which included drumming, dance and lots of BBQ food as well as races. All in all, a great day!
Bag Pack at CO-OP in Whitby
Sat 21st July 2012 9.00a.m. ----6.00p.m. In aid of Rotary Good Causes
We had a spendid day! All were exhausted by 7.00p.m. and ready for a trip to the nearby Indian Restaurant.
Magnificent sum of £1,100 raised. Thanks to all for such a great effort!!
Endeavour Rotary display in Whitby Gazette Office Window
In May 2012 Endeavour staged an exhibition of the various activities we help with, both in the Whitby area, and projects we are involved in the wider world Many people took a moment when walking through town to see the variety of worthwhile and fun activites we have helped with recently.
Macmillan Walk May 12th 2012
Endeavour joined forces with Macmillan for a sponsored walk from the Leisure Centre in Whitby round a circular route via Sandsend. Members manned checkpoints and a few adventurous types did the walk.
Do you have CRAFT SKILLS?Come and join us on December 12th at Eskdale school when many local organisations provide activities for local youngsters
Technology Tournament
Young Carers filmThe young carers film is finally finished after a years work with the Bradford University Film and TV professionals.The Young Carers had a very exciting day at the TV studios and the final outcome had its Red carpet launch at the Stephen Joseph theatre last week. The film explains the daily lives of young carers and is soon to be launched of the web and used by the "We Care organisation" to promote understanding of the hectic lives of Young carers.
Sent on Behalf of President ChrisThanks to all who stood and packed bags today.The total raised is £375.And those who helped at the Beer Festival the Lions were most grateful.
Whitby Endeavour Rotary Club is pleased to support Zoë's Place - a local charity caring for terminally ill babies